
The Getaway part i - a little house in navasota


Quick recap on timeline…I moved to Texas a year and a half ago and almost immediately fell deeply into a relationship which ran its course just as the US was beginning a nation-wide shut down. 

Read the below blogs to get caught up on that story and the recovery which has initiated me into an even deeper quest of discovery and growth.



During that time, I was also travelling back and forth to Canada monthly for work which allowed me to see friends and family and suffice it to say it was a busy socially and emotionally fuelled 6 months!

So, transitioning into self-isolation for three months was a shock to my system and life to say the least. An experience which I don’t need to describe to anyone; we all did and still are living through it in our own way.

When the stay home order was lifted after those three months of only leaving the house to visit a grocery store every two weeks, I made the decision to drive from Texas to Charlotte, North Carolina to stay with my sister her husband and their new baby.

I was blessed to be able to work from home during this time so I worked from NC and got in all the baby snuggles and family time.

After settling back home in Houston I thought I would be back on the east coast to catch up with my family again in about month because I could not again envision being alone ‘self-isolating’ for another three.


As it turned out, after being home only a week I set into motion some big initiatives. Those initiatives being pursued on the side of my 9-5 career working on a software implementation (which is intense enough on its own) has had me really pushing my limits. But as I feel wildly committed and passionate about what I’m embarking on I’ve buckled down and embraced a new normal!

That all being said, I’m itching to see family and friends again and am eagerly counting down the days until US Thanksgiving which will be spent on the east coast – Folly Beach here we come! 

Knowing that I would be staying put in Texas in a similar quarantined state longer than planned I felt called to get out of town and do something special for myself – with myself which led me to, a little house in Navasota an hour north of Houston. I also tacked on a weekend in Austin as I’d been excitedly wanting to explore the city since moving down here!

Let’s start with Navasota.


I think I first saw an ad for this on Instagram and was immediately intrigued. As were others apparently, because when I looked for availability there were no weekends left this year!

So I escaped for a Thursday night.

A quick jont north of Houston had me arriving at the ‘Outpost’ as they call it, where I pulled over to look at the map I had downloaded in my diligent effort to follow instructions from the host which would help ensure I found my way as it was likely reception would be well, no reception at this point.

Before I left I recall reading that the houses were named after the grandparents of staff and guests. Not too far down the gravel road I spotted the sign for mine – ‘Shine’ and couldn’t help but smile at how appropriate it felt as I pulled into what I would describe as a campsite enclosed with trees and filled with an air of peace and magic.

I was overcome with joy and excitement and I wanted to do nothing more than snap pics and FaceTime everyone I knew to share in this moment. But I refrained and just focused on taking it all in. It was so cool. The little house was extremely clean, modern, simplistic and had everything one could need. A note on the table addressed to me had a little map and some pass-the-time suggestions while next to it stood awaiting – the Cell Phone Lock Box.


I quickly video called my sister to show off my digs and let her know I’d arrived (somewhere in the woods alone kind of in the middle of nowhere) before I powered down literally and figuratively for the next 18 hours.

After unpacking a few things into the fridge and confirming that the bed was HELLA comfortable, I wandered off for a walk.


I passed campsites of mostly couples, a few families and small groups of friends.

The rules were clearly stated in multiple places that the noise curfew was well, not really a curfew, but was in effect at all times. Besides some light music coming from the site across from me for a short time and the kids (at moments) at the site next to me it was extremely quiet, it was perfect.

I thought I had been really smart by getting the charcoal needed to cook in the outside fire place. While there was a fire ban on, cooking food over a coal fire was allowed.

I went to prepare the fire pit and to my surprise found this little tid bit of instruction on the package:

Step 2: Pour lighter fluid over the briquettes

Sorry, what?

I had stopped on my way in specifically to get one of those long neck BBQ lighters (again thinking I was being really smart) but not once did I think or know that charcoals needed lighter fluid!

I had a little laugh (and swallowed a small shame bubble thinking I should have known better!) and turned to the box of goodies provided (for an extras charge) and pulled out some form of  ‘kindling starter kit’ and attempted what would turn into the next six hours of cooking my apple gouda chicken sausages!!

Thank god there was a stove inside; I ran that process in parallel but continued to poke and prod at the coals more for a feeling of ambience than anything else while I read by the light of the lantern, stared at the sky and sipped my sleepytime tea.

I was even inspired enough out there under the starry sky to write a few words.


Sleepy was I ever. I slept from 9pm to 9am – seriously! I allowed myself the luxury of lounging under the sheets staring out at the trees that swayed slightly as if waving a soft good morning, and watched birds already well on their way into the day.

I wrapped up my stay with another walk down the deserted path through the woods filled with nothing but wild flowers and tall grasses (so secluded it afforded me the pleasure of a little selfie photoshoot montage!).

As I jumped onto the interstate heading West to Austin I knew I would be booking my next stay as soon as possible.

Shine on little house of magic in Navasota, Shine on.

Read Part II – “Austin in an Airstream” here

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Comments ( 10 )

    • haha right! Can’t wait for your next visit; I’ll have lighter fluid stocked xoxo

  • Love reading your blogs ! Now I would like to spend a week in that lovely space, maybe a couple of days somewhere on the island, I’m thinking !!

    • Thank you, mom! Yes, you deserve a nice peaceful break – home stretch! xoxoxxo

  • Omg city girl in the wilderness! I would have probably gone hungry lol. Adorable little cabin and getaway, nice to get that escape. Love you xoxo

    • But didn’t we grow up in the wilderness?! We fended for ourselves at the light..and in alleys..and on gravel roads with flat tires haha I should really start writing about THOSE days!! LOVE YOU KDUBB!!

  • Awwwwww I was kind of hoping you were going to facetime when you were there but exited to read about it and see it through your blog and pictures <3

    • Awww haha I will go again and facetime for sure!! Or one day we shall go together =) xoxoxo

  • Love that you did this!! Such a good idea to power down and recharge… and then share all your stories with us, of course!!

    • Love you thank you! Austin coming up! Can’t wait for us to adventure there! xoxox

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