cozumel wall art woman tortuga

we underestimated the tortuga

After checking into my AirBnb in Cozumel I sat by the pool enclosed by high white walls and dipped my legs in the heated (nice touch actually in the winter months!) pool as I chatted with a couple from Chicago who had checked into the room next to mine.

My next moment was filled with panic as I strained my weakening eyes (35 guys, my eye sight has deteriorated over the years of staring at a computer screen for hours a day) to figure out what the dark shadow was in the corner of the pool little less than 5 feet across from me.

At first glance it appeared to be a black snack coiled on itself with its small head peeking up and breaking the waters surface. I held my breathe for a moment as I didn’t want to unnecessarily share my panic with Chicago couple who were fully in the pool. As I stared further the shape of a turtle emerged before my eyes! I was delighted! I love turtles!

So I shared the news with my pool acquaintances and we spent the next few minutes ooing and ahing over the Tortuga watching it paddle calming around the edge of the pool before collectively wondering how the heck the thing would get out, and if it in fact was stuck! The man decided to lift it out onto the grass where it crawled at it’s perfect turtle pace into the bushes in the corner of the garden. All was well.

Fast forward to day two, it’s still overcast and threatening thunder showers and I post up under an umbrella by the pool to read and low and behold our little Tortuga is back doing laps. The lovely woman who takes care of the rooms was out in the yard and I attempted in my limited Spanish to ask if the Tortuga should be in the pool. With her even more limited English I think it came across as I was afraid to get into the water because of the Tortuga and I tried to say I was fine with it just concerned with the Tortugas well being. Not sure what was interpreted but she seemed content on leaving the Tortuga and I assumed it was a pet of the house and was being cared for in a manner I knew less of than she so I let it be.

cozumel sea view 2
cozumel sea walk


In the meantime said goings on were being communicated via text to a couple friends/family and I was getting an overwhelming reaction of concern for the Tortuga due to possible chlorine levels in the pool. I started to be concerned myself and a feeling of responsibility started creeping into my soul. I messaged the Airbnb owner who is currently in Europe, therefore, hours ahead timezone wise and didn’t get a response until I had arrived home later that night.

She said it might be a mistake that the Tortuga was in the water and I should in fact take her out. Now I’m surprised and thinking this is a bit weird that she full on is putting me in charge of Tortugas well being. At this point it’s dark and I’m exhausted after just returning from town/dinner and a walk that turned into being lost despite having GPS. It was raining hard and I thought I was on the right route so kept my phone covered from the rain but after a couple diversions due to flash flooding of the streets I actually managed to get way off course.

Long story and two very soaking and muddy sneakers later I take a shower, do a quick peek at the pool from the upper balcony and don’t see any Tortuga floating on the surface. I ignored an unsettled feeling and went to bed after quickly googling if turtles can stay under water for periods of time finding information that many could.

In the morning on my way out to find coffee I did a lap around the pool to check on things and my stomach literally fell. I saw the Tortuga at the bottom of the deepest part of the pool with it’s head out of the shell and one back leg sticking out further than the rest. I felt ill. I splashed the surface of the water and saw no movement.

I went straight to the house and knocked on the door. Again with my limited Spanish and mostly sharade like movements motioned towards the pool and repeatedly spat out the word tortuga trying to convey what I had just seen.

The woman seemed to grasp my panic and headed straight there.

Now I don’t know if it was my guilt or soft stomach but I guess the combination of the two prevented me from following her and I left to continue my search for coffee. Please don’t hate me.

A few minutes later I had a missed call from the house. We’ve tried these calls before and nothing was comprehended on either end so I just headed back to the house to look for the woman.

She was nowhere to be found and the pool was empty. I literally sat at the pool for hours feeling like I was in mourning. I finally gathered myself up went inside. I paused and looked out onto the grass and guess what I saw…the Tortuga! Well and walking in tortuga like fasion.

And I needed to tell you about it. Guys, we underestimated the Tortuga.

This being said, damn straight I will be lifting her little self out of the water if I see her there again.

cozumel air bnb

How many times have we underestimated ourselves or others?

And for what reason?

All I know is that I surely will not be ignoring gut feelings anytime soon and I will be quicker to give myself and others the benefit of the doubt.

When doubt arises I will seek fact and truth. I hope you will do the same.

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