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love & relationships - a mini series

Two months ago I announced an upcoming special contributor on With Love From Lina.

As promised, before the summer months are behind us, I’m thrilled to release the introduction to a Featured Mini-Series on Love & Relationships; get ready to take notes and give yourself time and space to reflect as the series rolls out.

A dear friend of mine has devoted countless hours (and months, and years) to all kinds of learnings including psychology books that I fear wouldn’t hold my attention for very long. (Because well, truth be told I’d rather bury my nose in Elizabeth Gilberts new fiction City of Girls, and get the Coles notes on psych in person- yes, go read City of Girls!)

But he’s green, you see.

For those of you who may not be familiar with the True Colors personality assessment – green is like a crazy regimented scientist who thrives on facts and structure. Someone insanely intelligent and philosophical who gets lost in discussing big life ideas; and over the years we’ve done just that.

He was determined to find answers to his questions; determined to do it right the next time.

And you know what he’s done along the way?

Become somewhat of an invaluable resource, trusted confidant, teacher and coach to so many of us who are lucky enough to call him a friend.

I am proud and honoured to say I fall into that category.

He was meant for this work; I sternly believe that he has stumbled onto his true calling and I’m excited to call this platform home to his ‘debut’, but it is by no means the beginning of the work he does in service to others who are just wanting to do their best at loving and being loved.

My hope if that you leave here with not only curiosity, but a deeper understanding of the importance that pragmatism and many other factors (that we may naturally resist in incorporating as part of our decision making process) play along the way when it comes to love and relationships.

Find the full series by Mark Page under ‘Love’ on the blog

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