
escape to belize

why not?

I took only a quick minute to lick the superficial wound inflicted for a hot minute by my latest engagement with online dating before calling my neighbour over for chilled organic grapes followed by the plotting of my escape to Belize.

We hummed and hawed only to land on a big fat “Why not?!” And just like that I had secured my island getaway over the July 1st through 4th holiday weekend. GreenLight!

To be honest I had done zero research but I did know three things.

  1. I had a friend there who had a friend there who had been there multiple times and therefore had many friends there
  2. All I needed was my vaccination card and all the swim suits that still fit
  3. 1 USD = 2 Belizean dollars.

Easy breezy beautiful; I was pumped and this was happening.

My bestie from Canada also has a history of love affairs with some of the Belize Cayes and she jumped on board as my virtual tour guide and cheer leader prepping me for what sights I needed to see and what lay in wait for my taste buds.


While I didn’t sit IN the cockpit per se I did sit directly behind the pilot and the whole plane (aka in Belize a ‘puddle jumper’) felt like the size of the cock pit on a regular Boeing 736. So I kinda did and it was awesome.

The quick 2.5 hour flight from Houston left me with a new contact in my phone and the promise of a tennis pro connect to improve my serve!

An even quicker puddle jump from Belize City had me arriving in Placencia right in time for the first night of Lobster Season!

I hustled into the village in a more than questionable vehicle (taxi but..) with a local named Mike only to arrive at my friends place with no friend in sight.

Little did I know she was busy hustling TO the airport to surprise pick-me-up with a new local friend of hers  – rum runner (rum punch) welcome drink in tow!

I exchanged pleasantries with a lovely woman from the rental and in true village style I was let into my friends room to escape the heat and figure out my next move.  I had just enough time to peel off my lulus and connect to the wifi to receive the ironic news that my friend was on her way to the airport to pick me up!

No more than 10 minutes later I heard her joyous boisterous voice coming from outside and jumped off the bed whipped open the door only to surprise her new friend and the facilitator of this surprise with my pant-less situation! I put on pants, shook hands, sipped the still intact rum punch and shared laughs about surprises gone all wrong.

But, I had arrived and all was well in the village.

worth the wait

I needed to see the water before anything else could go down so I got the quick tour of the village surrounded on both sides by water; one side lagoon one side open sea. I inhaled deeply the freedom I have so heavily associated with the tropics.

It was all juicy blue sky and silky white whispy clouds, hot sun, clear sparkling water, local fruit, taco stands and oh so much more to explore.

I let myself start soaking it all in and welcomed all that the next few days could offer.

We ate our first dinner at the perfectly island like locale by the name of Omars and it did not disappoint. The restaurant was packed with diners wanting the first fresh plates of lobster and we patiently waited to be seated on the upper level perfectly strung with lights and filled with locally made wooden tables and unique benches and chairs.

We all ordered the full lobster meal with rice beans and coleslaw sides. Staples on the Belizean plate and a you can’t go wrong situation for me personally!

The whirlwind of the next four days commenced with early mornings, living out my mermaid fantasy in the salty waters, deciding what kind of deliciousness could be eaten and of course, finding ice to momentarily chill whatever was held within our to-go cups.


I’ve found that solo travel has awakened a space within me that seeks the solace of my own company, quiet moments and the liberation of decision making as and when I see fit; I snuck away early one morning with nothing but my sneakers and swim suit to find the perfect spot for a swim in the sea and a meditation under the coconut trees.

Needless to say travelling with my friend offered perfectly joyful company that I had also craved through the long solitary months of covid – the best of both worlds truly.

The village was strewn with creativity.

In the coffee shop brewers awakening which served a delicious coconut seaweed smoothie with hung an old coconut (imagine Wilson from Castaway) with facial features drawn on, frayed coconut for hair connected to dried and bleached out bamboo poles making a hanging noise apparatus.

In The Shak, our most frequented hangout the dock and point of the village hung half a plastic bottle upside down with a potted beautiful flowering plant wrapped in an old ornately designed fabric. I took in these sightings with hunger and awe just as I did the natural beauty every direction I looked.

We need so much less than we realize.

go see

My friend took me to the most noteworthy of spots in attempt to maximize our short time on the island. The lineup included a local bar named Yoli’s adorned with the owners part heritage in the form of Canadian flags. The gem was hidden in the jungled shore line overlooking the water and led us through stunning scenery on the hot trek there and back. 

Tucan Jack’s beach bar was another must see where we lounged with the best view in hammocks under palm trees snacking on fresh jalapeño poppers and sampling the cocktail list.

With lobster season in full swing we jumped on the lobster crawl put on by a collaboration of local spots in and around the village which we started at midday.

We spent the day meandering our way through 5 places offering the featured lobster appetizer and drink pairing; we even had a pool side pit stop back home filled with soul chats and play time.

I ended the crawl with some alone time and a night swim under the stars, the big dipper and a sliver of the moon; this was without a doubt my happy place.

dream caye

From peaceful night swim to slightly terrified swim with nurse sharks, sting rays and the largest jelly fish I’d ever seen we’d arrived at Silk Caye for our day excursion.

I will try to explain this place but it really won’t do it justice.

The feeling of being dropped in the middle of sea heaven with experienced locals to care for and feed you and not another human or boat in sight is like nothing I’ve ever experiences before.

22 miles from Placencia inside the Gladden Split & Silk Cayes Marine Reserve we arrived at the caye spanning 30 feet, aptly named The White Hole and feels like being on a tropical movie set.

The sound of nothing but the water crashing lightly on the shore, the feel of the wind against my face, and all the blue sky and sea my eyes could see left me without a single care in the world; nothing but pure joy in my heart and gratitude for life.

We snorkelled the amazing reefs filled with brilliant purple coral, almost every kind of Caribbean reef creature (including the biggest jelly fish Id ever seen up close and personal!) and ended by swimming with nurse sharks and massive Southern sting rays! I definitely conquered some fear jumping off the boat directly on top of those guys eeeek!

the last supper

Blessed with the troubles of ‘where to eat next’ especially with the added pressure of it being my last night, we hailed a taxi up island to the swanky Maya Beach Hotel Bistro.

Our very cool and knowleagale driver who is also a local school teacher shared much about the islands history along with some of his own; he had family connections to both North Carolina and Texas! Small world or what. 

He enlightened us with a tid bit of information around the agriculture up island as we drove the furthest I had ventured from the village since being there.

Escaping persecution in Ukraine, Mennonites were forced to relocate in Mexico where some made the crossing to Belize and purchased land. They transformed dense rainforest into some of the most productive agricultural regions of Belize known as the village of Spanish Lookout. Fascinating. Still consistently following my bean protocol adventure for auto-immune, I hurriedly before my flight conversed with the woman running her road side fresh produce market next to our rental to ensure the bags of fresh beans on display were in fact grown locally by the Mennonites and happily stuffed them in my bag along with a fresh banana. Aaahh.. island life.

But back to the last supper.

We sipped and we splurged with shrimp stuffed squid and snapper two ways. We swung on a hammock over looking the dark sea and we talked on the dock until they turned off the lights.

As the last employee standing chose to wait with us on the side on the only roadway in or out, dark and deserted, she educated us about the type of license plate a registered taxi should be sporting and would you know it, the car we would have gotten into did NOT have the proper plate.

This simplistic action and extension of kindness, dare I say humanity, made us feel grateful and content as we stepped into the newly arrived and registered vehicle for the trek back into the village.

It’s common practice in my family to return from travels with artwork and I did not stray from the routine coming home with two pieces I absolutely adore painted by local artists of which I cannot wait to get up on my walls and keep the life of Belize breathing into my days and nights. FYI Art n Soul Gallery is a must if you are in Placencia!

Belize, I will see you again.

For now, I thank you.

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Comments ( 3 )

  • Loved reading your blog, Lina. Then read it again, to James again.
    Makes me want to go there to !!
    Did you hang your pictures. ?

  • A beautifully written story about our breathtaking Belizean adventures! Thank you for saying YES and putting yourself into the universe with me.

    Greenlight. 💚

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